The UNDP Event Manager, is an application to improve the organization of event (workshop, forum, seminar, conference etc) organized or supported by UNDP. It is a component of the platform. By using this App, you can sign in to event you have been invited to attend through a secure way. You can use the checklist to improve your preparation to attend the event and make sure you haven’t forgot anything. You can use the Chatroom to discuss with other participants, before, during and after the event. You can consult information of all participants in the participant list and get access to thiers emails to grow up your professional network. You can read shared document on the event (Agendar, Concept note etc) directly, you can download and Share them as well. You can access articles on the event, like and commented them.Dowload the App and enjoy it. Note : The platform has been developed with great contribution of UN Online Volunteer.